The Colour of Tears

poetry and prose for the solemn ones

III. Mitternacht

Sonnet to Silence

April 2008, age 17

This diamond-ridged pure silver pane of haze
Reflects the heart that hopes, yet cannot be,
The perfect second half of life like she,
A precious object of your secret praise.

For though you spoke of sweetness, bliss, and zest
The words of love and joy concealed false front.
The bitter star of day lies down in rest
The veil of twilight calls for my exeunt.

Your absence hangs, a mist, among the trees,
Which gesture to my own remorse and pain
While hints of hope from bottled blessings flee.

To where, and whence, departed you, my dear?
I need not cry your noble name in vain
For broken mirrors heedeth not my pleas.

About the Poem: We were studying Shakespeare during my AP English Literature class, so of course there was an assignment to write a sonnet. This properly follows Shakespearean sonnet form (ABBA/ABAB/ABA/CBA) and includes some pretty gorgeous rich rhymes. As per usual, I was writing about unrequited love again :')

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