Are you one of those weirdos that likes reading through website updates to see what has been added, or what I'm currently working on? (Don't worry, I'm one of those weirdos too!) You've found the right place to be! I will include both site-related and personal updates... you can think of this as my version of Twitter without actually being on Twitter ;)
- 2021.11.26 - added a link to Sekai no Melody R, a revival of an old internet singing group that I used to run. If you enjoy singing in any shape or form (no experience required!) come join us!!
- 2021.11.17 - got The Colour of Tears online! This is a project I've been wanting to do since 2010, so I'm happy that it's finally seeing the light of day!
- 2021.11.16 - added a one-pager about my history on the Internet! Visit it here at Cyber Princess (named after my first subdomain)
- 2021.11.15 - I've been experimenting with static site generators like Hugo and Jekyll. Apple Silicon has made installing Jekyll an... adventure, to say the least! I'm hoping to get my personal site on Jekyll soon. Stay tuned!